29 May 2020

Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (JFRS) are warning Islanders of the increased risk of wildifires and the potential rapid spread of any fires should they occur.
The warning comes as the Fire Severity Index has risen to level 4, due to the continued combined hot/dry weather and the forecasted wind conditions over the next few days.
The JFRS is urging people to be vigilant, warning against the lighting of bonfires, to take extra care and call 999 immediately if they see any incidents of fire particularly on gorseland, commons and in wooded areas.
Station Commander (Fire Safety) Ryan Hall said: “Since the relaxations in the lockdown restrictions, Islanders are returning to things we all enjoy most about our beautiful island, such as going to the beaches, exploring our coastlines and having barbecues, but now is not the time to become complacent.
“We are asking Islanders to be vigilant given the increased risk of wildfires and potential rapid spread. Please think before you discard any litter, hot ashes or any smoking materials. Across the UK, fire and rescues services are currently tackling a number of serious and widespread wildfires. These fires are extremely dangerous and spread rapidly through the dry vegetation. They are hugely demanding on resources and put people’s lives, homes and businesses at risk.”
Guidance from the JFRS to Islanders:
Extinguish cigarettes properly and don’t throw cigarette ends on the ground – take your litter home
Never throw cigarette ends out of car windows
Avoid using open fires in the countryside
Don’t leave bottles or glass in woodland – sunlight shining through glass can start fires (take them home and recycle them)
Only use barbecues in a suitable and safe area and never leave them unattended
Do not dispose of used barbecues or hot ashes in plastic bins, which can result in the bin catching fire
If you see a fire, report it to the JFRS immediately