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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Raising awareness for World AIDS Day

01 December 2020


Today, on World AIDS Day, Health and Community Services is urging Islanders to “#RockTheRibbon” and celebrate the fact that we are winning the fight against HIV.

HIV diagnoses are falling in the UK, meaning the spread of the virus is slowing down.
Figures in Jersey remain low, although HIV can still affect anyone regardless of age, gender, and sexuality.

Detecting HIV early means that transmission of the virus can be stopped, and people can be prevented from passing on HIV. Testing involves a blood test and is available to Islanders for free through the Sexual Health Clinic at the General Hospital.

Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat said: 
“HIV and AIDS can affect anyone and even though there is no known cure, being diagnosed early will help keep you and your partners healthy and, if diagnosed early, almost always means a long and healthy life. I would encourage any Islander who is concerned to access the free services available and to be rest assured all consultations are completely confidential.”

RockTheRibbon is a national campaign aimed at raising awareness of HIV and AIDS.
Islanders are asked to rock a red ribbon to show everyone – especially people living with HIV and their families – that they are supported.

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