05 June 2020
Over the past two months, a record-breaking number of Islanders have used a key cycling route and, at the same time, the number of vehicles using the tunnel has dropped by more than a third.
Now, on World Environment Day (Friday, 5 June), Islanders are asked to consider these statistics and whether the lifestyle changes which led to them could be continued once lockdown ends.
For the first April on record, more than 50,000 cycle trips were tracked at the automatic cycle counter at First Tower, and May also saw a record number of trips (62,789).
The Assistant Minister for the Environment, Deputy Gregory Guida, said: "We have seen a surge in cycling during lockdown, which has resulted in cleaner air quality and quieter roads.
"I know that, as we come out of lockdown, it will be tempting for people to go back to car use, but I would ask Islanders to think about whether that’s necessary.
"Jersey’s committed to aiming to be carbon neutral by 2030, and around half of all our carbon emissions come from road transport. The lockdown may have been the catalyst for increased home-working and reduced car use but, if those lifestyle changes become normal, then it will be a significant step towards Jersey achieving the target that we have set ourselves.
"On Wednesday I unveiled The Climate Stripes for Jersey – a visual representation of how the Island’s annual average air temperature has changed since temperature records began. It would be wonderful if, when the future stripes are added to it, they show that we are going in the right direction."
More information about climate change, and how Islanders can play their part, can be found here.
Further information:
Data taken from cycle counter at First Tower, there were over 50,000 cycle trips recorded last month, which is an all-time high for any April.
| 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
January | | 21,002 | 17,252 | 26,178 | 24,926 |
February | | 18,414 | 11,950 | 27,471 | 16,903 |
March | 22,014 | 27,424 | 4,843 | 28,053 | 24,451 |
April | 32,394 | 41,739 | 29,109 | 36,063 | 50,865 |
May | 41,525 | 46,099 | 50,655 | 46,828 | 62,789 |
June | 39,677 | 51,509 | 52,144 | 47,411 | |
July | 51,490 | 51,484 | 63,133 | 65,569 | |
August | 49,936 | 51,660 | 53,989 | 53,632 | |
September | 41,697 | 33,481 | 47,748 | 41,899 | |
October | 34,342 | 34,651 | 38,468 | 27,992 | |
November | 21,841 | 27,955 | 25,513 | 20,440 | |
December | 19,556 | 13,594 | 17,076 | 17,105 | |