09 March 2020

A campaign has today been launched (Monday 9 March 2020) to celebrate the work of Jersey’s nurses and midwives.
The World Health Organization has designated 2020 – the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday – as the first global Year of the Nurse and Midwife. To mark the occasion, Health and Community Services along with Jersey Hospice Care and Family Nursing & Home Care, have planned a series of events throughout the year to showcase the diverse nature of the professions.
Among the planned activities is a pop-up exhibition in St Helier as well as celebrations in May to commemorate Florence Nightingale’s birthday. There will also be adverts featuring Jersey nurses and midwives across their healthcare settings in parish magazines and online. And in August there will be a window display promoting the professions in the de Gruchy store on King Street.
Associate Chief Nurse Becky Sherrington said: “Nurses and midwives make up the largest numbers of the health workforce. They are highly skilled professionals from a host of backgrounds that represent our diverse community in Jersey.
“2020 is our time to reflect on these skills, the commitment and expert clinical care nurses and midwives bring, and the impact they make on the lives of so many. This year is also an opportunity to say thank you to the professions; to showcase their diverse talents and expertise; and to promote nursing and midwifery as careers with a great deal to offer.”
Chief Nurse Rose Naylor added: “The Year of the Nurse and Midwife is our chance to honour the dedication and commitment of our nursing and midwifery colleagues. Nursing and midwifery are varied and demanding professions, so it is only right we celebrate the roles that they play every day.”