25 November 2020

The Government of Jersey is inviting 40 young people, aged between 16 and 21, to take part in an independent online discussion to share their views on the Covid-19 pandemic.
This online platform will be open every day for the young people, who register their interest, to discuss their views as well as upload images or short videos, use a private chat to make notes and use the open chat to converse with others around key questions.
The online, confidential discussion by the research agency 4insight will be launched this Thursday, 26 November.
Chief Minister Senator John Le Fondré said: “The aim of this research project is to gain young people’s views during this stage of the pandemic in order to inform Public Health forward policy and communications. We look forward to hearing young people’s views and more importantly acting upon what they tell us.”
This is part of several initiatives which the Government of Jersey is launching to engage with children and young people through schools, colleges, the Youth Service, Radio Youth FM and social media channels.
Following recent feedback from young people, through the Jersey Youth Service, the Government of Jersey has now created new TikTok and Snapchat accounts to actively promote relevant Covid-19 public health messages in a youth friendly format via social media. This is in addition to the current platforms in use.
Laurent Ybert, a youth worker, who is supporting this project said: “I’m excited to work with the Government of Jersey to ensure children and young people are engaged and listened to.
“Through the Jersey Youth Service, I have been speaking to young people who suggested the Government of Jersey creates TikTok and Snapchat accounts. Within a week of young people asking for this, these social media platforms have now been set up and young people have loved getting involved in making creative content.”
Children’s Minister Deputy Jeremy Maçon added: “Throughout this pandemic, young people have shown that they have the power to help spread messages quickly. We are all safer when we understand the science about how this virus spreads. I would like to thank young people who are assisting with sharing important public health messages through the social media platforms they use. I’m looking forward to hearing directly from children and young people throughout this campaign.”