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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey's youth work celebrated

30 October 2020

Young people sat down

Jersey Youth Service is calling on young people to share their ambitions for the future of youth work as part of a national campaign.

Youth Work Week, which runs from Monday 2 November until Sunday 8 November, aims to celebrate the work of youth workers nationally. Each day of the week, young people and youth workers in Jersey are being encouraged to focus on a different theme linked to the National Youth Agencyā€™s campaign.

Themes include investigating the aspirations for young people and youth work in Jersey for the next ten years, improving young peopleā€™s confidence in transitioning from childhood to adulthood and exploring the role youth work has in supporting positive health and wellbeing.

Throughout the week, photographs and videos of young people taking part in activities will be added to Jersey Youth Serviceā€™s social media channels.

Mark Capern, Principal Youth Officer, said: "Youth Work Week is a wonderful opportunity to showcase the positive impact of youth work in our Island. We have been busy preparing for an action-packed week and I hope as many young people as possible take part in the activities we have planned."

The Assistant Minister for Education, Deputy Jeremy MaƧon, said: "Youth Work Week gives us the chance to celebrate the invaluable efforts Jersey youth workers undertake to help support young people develop socially, personally and educationally. Itā€™s through their work that young people are able to find their own voice as well as their place in the community."

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