02 September 2020

​The Government’s ambition for Islanders’ physical wellbeing over the next decade has been announced in a report published today.
The report, Inspiring an Active Jersey 2020 – 2030, sets the vision for Jersey becoming a healthier, more productive and fairer society by being one of the most physically active populations in the world, and gives a target of increasing physical activity by 10 percentage points by 2030.
It has been lodged by Senator Steve Pallett, who, as Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, has responsibility for sport.
“Supporting Islanders’ wellbeing, both physical and mental, is a priority within the Government Plan, and this report sets a target for that ambition,” Senator Pallett said.
“Currently almost half of adults and 81% of children and young people in Jersey do not meet the World Health Organisation’s guidelines for physical activity; they are not active enough to have a positive impact on their health and well-being. As a society we need to get more active, and this strategy sets an achievable goal and the framework for achieving it.”
The framework is based the World Health Organisation’s recommendations and sets four strategic objectives: to create active societies, create active environments, create active people, and create active systems.
Inspiring an Active Jersey 2020 – 2030, which Government commissioned Jersey Sport to produce, builds on the foundations laid by Fit for the Future, the Government's previous sports and physical activity strategy, which concluded in December 2018. Where Fit for the Future was predominantly focused on sports development, Inspiring an Active Jersey applies a whole-systems approach to tackle physical inactivity through sports participation and support for Islanders to adopt active lifestyles.
“Government is investing £2.4million to develop a more active Jersey and is committed to creating the environment for change throughout Government, the private sector and the wider community,” Senator Pallett said. “While our targets have been defined, the strategic framework is not prescriptive over the delivery of specific programmes as they will change over time as technology and society changes, but everything that we do will be measured against the desired outcomes.
“Funded primarily by Government, Jersey Sport will act as our lead partner and be responsible for creating and overseeing a dynamic and adaptable strategy for success. They are, though, not solely responsible for delivery and our whole ethos will be that every outcome will require a collective effort throughout our community,” Senator Pallett said.
The strategy establishes five principles which will serve to continually focus the efforts needed to tackle the significant challenges presented by physical inactivity. The principles are:
- the opportunity to be regularly active will be fair and equitable.
- Islanders will be encouraged and supported to embed active living into their everyday.
- we are a proud sporting island that celebrates sporting success from grassroots to greatness; built on a foundation of enjoyment.
- sport and active living is an essential thread that is weaved throughout the fabric of Jersey; it contributes significantly to quality of life and will be included as a priority in all relevant policy.
- supporting Islanders to be more physically active is a collective responsibility requiring adequately-resourced collaboration across all Government departments, the private sector and the volunteer and community sectors.
Inspiring an Active Jersey 2020 – 2030 is being published on the States Assembly website. The delivery framework for a more active Island is published on Jersey Sport’s