09 October 2020

Islanders have one week left to give their opinion on St Brelade’s Bay and why they love it.
Responses to the online appraisal, which closes on Friday 16 October, will help inform the bridging Island Plan by helping to identify which aspects of the bay’s character are most important to preserve in the future.
The survey explores the respondent’s thoughts about the bay by posing three questions:
- what do you like best about the bay: where do you like to go? How do you get there? Do you have a favourite walk? Where do you like to visit when the sun is out? What’s your favourite view?
- what has changed for the better and the worse over the last decade; and
- what could be done to improve the bay in the future?
Islanders can give their views on St Brelade’s Bay by:
- visiting the website
- calling Nick Wright on 07900 334110
- emailing islandplan@gov.je (ref: St. Brelade’s Bay) or
- writing to St. Brelade’s Bay, Island Plan Review Team, FREEPOST 5050, 19-21 Broad Street, St Helier JE1 1AF