29 May 2020

The Government of Jersey will hold a second round of the Covid-19 Community Antibody Testing Survey between 30 May and 2 June. Initially, 700 households were sampled, this time a total of 1,000 randomly selected households will participate in the survey.
These households have been contacted by letter and invited to make appointments at one of two dedicated testing sites across the Island. For those participants who are unable to attend the testing sites, home testing is also available. It is hoped that this will increase the take up of households taking part.
Following the first round of testing, Statistics Jersey estimated a prevalence rate of 3.2% in Jersey. The low levels of infection to date show that a significant proportion of Islanders remain at risk of infection. Therefore, it is important that we continue to plan carefully as we ease the public health measures put in place as part of the Stay at Home Order.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “I would like to thank Islanders who have taken part in the survey so far. I have just written to householders requesting that they participate in this further round of tests. I am grateful to the health workers who carry out the antibody tests and to Statistics Jersey for their continual work.
“Protecting health and lives has been, and remains the priority of the Government of Jersey. We are creating a helpful picture of how Covid-19 has spread through our community.”
A report, based on the findings of the second round of testing, will be published by Statistics Jersey on 9th June.