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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Countryside Enhancement Scheme opens for applications

27 January 2020

Islanders are being encouraged to submit their applications for any environmental projects that may qualify for a grant to help conserve Jersey’s countryside.

​The Countryside Enhancement Scheme launches on Monday, 27 January, it supports projects that will benefit the natural environment on a local, island-wide or international basis. 

Scott Meadows, Acting Director for Rural Economy and Head of Plant Health said: 

“Projects that focus on climate change mitigation will be given priority in 2020, although all projects will be considered.

“Applicants will need to complete an application form highlighting the project option, clearly describing the objectives of the project, its extent, duration, when and how the work will be undertaken.” 

Since its introduction in 2006, the scheme has supported a wide range of projects which have benefited Island wildlife, the environment and rural businesses.
Former projects included:

  • Winter Bird Seed – The scheme supported the partnership project with Birds of the Edge by purchasing winter bird crop seed. This is in addition to the seed bought by local farmers.
  • Seagrass Nutrient Analysis - The SociĂ©tĂ© Jersiaise conducted isotope analysis of seagrass beds across the Channel Islands which are extremely important habitat for many species.
Deputy Gregory Guida, Assistant Minister for the Environment said: “This scheme was created to help maintain and conserve the island’s unique and internationally significant rural character, landscape, habitats, flora and fauna.

“This year we recognise the government’s aim to become carbon neutral by 2030. We look forward to hearing from applicants who want to work with us to help us deliver our commitment towards a carbon neutral future.” 

Applicants have until 24th February to submit their applications.

For help or further information please contact Scott Meadows, Acting Director for Rural Economy and Head of Plant Health on +44 1534 441600 or 
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