21 May 2020

A weekly return flight between Jersey and London Gatwick will start next week to support essential travel to and from the Island. The service will be operated by Blue Islands as part of its agreement with the Government of Jersey to maintain lifeline air links with the UK.
The Jersey-Gatwick route will see one flight depart from Jersey at 13.20 and depart from Gatwick at 15.15 every Tuesday until further notice. This service will run in addition to the existing Blue Islands Jersey-Southampton flights on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Together, these air services will enable strictly essential travel on and off the Island, while minimising the risks associated with cross-border travel and the transmission of COVID-19. The addition of the Gatwick rotation will provide additional connectivity for those travelling for medical reasons, or for those transiting through the UK as part of their necessary travel. It is not anticipated that this will dramatically increase the number of passengers arriving in Jersey.
All passengers will still need pre-travel authorisation before booking their flights. These applications assess the reason for travel and ensure that it is permissible under the necessary travel criteria. Passengers will be required to complete a health declaration to confirm that they have no symptoms of COVID-19.
As in the case of Jersey-Southampton rotations, bookings on the Jersey-Gatwick route will be available only for single journeys and will be charged at a flat fee of £100 per leg. The Government of Jersey is providing funding of £5,263 per rotation to secure these vital air services.
All other commercial sea and air routes, and private aircraft, are only permitted to travel if they have prior authorisation. Jersey Customs and Immigration (JCIS) are monitoring all inbound and outbound passengers and enforcing self-isolation for anyone with symptoms.
Ports of Jersey are only granting permission to fly or berth following JCIS authorisation.
The travel authorisation and health declaration form is available on blueislands.com/travel, and all private aircraft and boats are asked to contact JCIS on immigration@gov.je to obtain the form.