16 October 2020

ā€‹An assessment of Jerseyā€™s marine and land environments has been published as one part of a number of appraisals helping to shape the draft Island Plan.
The Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment (ILSCA) updates the work undertaken on the 1999 Jersey Countryside Character Appraisal and describes and considers the changes to Jerseyā€™s coastal seascapes and interior landscapes over the past 20 years.
The new report analyses factors that have served to influence the character of the islandā€™s environment, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and development, and gives recommendations on how to protect and enhance Jerseyā€™s landscape and seascape character for the future. Its scope embraces the island; its intertidal areas and offshore reefs; and all of Jerseyā€™s territorial waters.
The report was commissioned as part of the evidence base for the new Island Plan and will help set new planning policies and will be of value to those interested and involved in managing Jerseyā€™s landscapes and seascapes, including landowners, conservation organisations and community groups. The study will also help raise awareness about the rich and diverse character of the entire Bailiwick.
This comprehensive and integrated nature of the work has seen it shortlisted for the 2020 Royal Town Planning Institute South West Awards for Planning Excellence.
The Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment (ILSCA) prepared by Fiona Fyfe Associates can be found