15 September 2020

​J4 - the registration mark on the Lieutenant-Governor’s official vehicle – is to be sold to the highest bidder at Driver and Vehicle Standards’ auction of unusual registrations.
The Lieutenant-Governor, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton, has offered to relinquish J4, which is currently assigned to his official vehicle. Some of the proceeds from its sale will be used by Government House to purchase an electric vehicle to replace the current diesel-driven vehicle.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “DVS auctions are a means of raising money for transport-related projects and, with the Government seeking efficiencies, it is an important source of revenue for smaller important projects.
“We are grateful to the Lieutenant-Governor for offering J4. It signifies that we are all committed to working more efficiently and that Government House is supporting the Island in achieving our objective of becoming carbon neutral.
“Over the next ten years, all Islanders will be changing from petrol and diesel cars to lower-emission hybrid vehicles if we are to successfully respond to the declared climate emergency.”
J4 is one of more than 50 unusual registration numbers which include four-digit J numbers and low JSY numbers.
Islanders will be able to bid online, as well as attend the auction, which is being held on Saturday, 26 September from 10.30am at Glencoe. Details of the auction will be updated today, Tuesday 15 September, on the auctioneer's