15 June 2020

From Wednesday, 1 July, time restrictions and charging will be reinstated for Government-run car parks and on-street parking.
The Sunday / bank holiday parking rules have been permanently in place since 29 March, enabling motorists to park for free and with unrestricted time. From 1 July, standard parking measures will return across the Island, and Patriotic Street car park, and Gloucester Street will stop being exclusively for the use of health workers.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “The parking rules were suspended to help people during quarantine, so they did not have to leave their home to move their car. It also enabled Government staff to be redeployed during the pandemic.
“We are giving plenty of notice that parking charges and time restrictions are to return to enable us to remobilise our parking control teams, and to give Islanders plenty of time to consider how they are going to manage their parking, since there will still be a requirement to safely distance from others.
“Parking charges enable us to pay for improved infrastructure, and time restrictions on parking help us to support St Helier’s retail and hospitality sectors, since their reintroduction will increase the availability of spaces for shoppers and restaurant users. But while parking charges are important, we have an opportunity to develop the debate on how we all travel around Jersey, and to refocus the Sustainable Transport Policy.
“Since the lockdown began, cycling and walking have significantly increased, and road closures have not only made it easier for pedestrians to keep a safe distance from others, but also improved town’s environment. We have the opportunity to take those positive experiences and use them to get Islanders to consider their travel behaviours.”