16 September 2020

​A granite stone has been installed by the cycle path in St Peter’s Valley marking the work of former Deputy Richard Rondel.
Deputy Rondel served the Island for seven years and was the Assistant Minister for Infrastructure from 2014 to 2018. He was a proponent of road safety and sought to introduce more cycle tracks and bicycle lanes throughout the Island.
Attending the ceremony on August Bank Holiday were Jack and James, his sons and his parents Lewis and Pam, his other son Joshua was unable to attend. During his unveiling speech, Deputy Kevin Lewis, the current Minister for Infrastructure. said: “Richard was a huge asset to the Department for Infrastructure, he was always supportive both to the staff and to the Minister, and with a fantastic knowledge of the Island, he was an important and influential part of the department.
“He took a keen interest in the active travel side of the Ministerial portfolio. He cared about sustainable transport and developing the bus service and cycling. It is particularly fitting that the cycle path this place has been chosen for the dedication stone. “
Deputy Rondel passed away on 14 November 2018 after being diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2015.
The stone along the cycle path came from the Infrastructure quarry and the inscription was engraved by Infrastructure staff.
Photo: left, James Rondel, right, Jack Rondel, with Lewis and Pam behind. Credit: Gary Grimshaw.