10 February 2020

A UK teacher who has created hundreds of science videos watched by thousands of students is in Jersey this week to share his expertise with staff and pupils.
Shaun Donnelly, the creator of freesciencelessons.com, is known for his GCSE science revision videos covering biology, chemistry and physics. He has more than 300,000 YouTube subscribers and his videos have been viewed 65 million times.
On Thursday and Friday, Mr Donnelly will lead science classes and workshops at Haute Vallée School, as well as give talks to students on how to stay motivated, how to aim high and how to cope with exam stress.
His visit is part of the Jersey Schools Partnership, which promotes secondary schools working together to share professional development and guest speaker opportunities, and teachers from other schools will attend some of his talks.
Haute Vallée School’s assistant head teacher, Shirley Donnelly, said: “Our students use his YouTube clips to support their science revision and they are all very excited to meet him. It is important to get someone like Shaun over to talk to students on the importance of science and careers in science, as well as how to stay motivated, how to revise effectively and the importance of exam technique and aiming high while dealing with stress.
“We are also delighted that he is going to share his expertise with staff as well as students. He will give a masterclasses covering the more challenging areas of GCSE science and will work with teachers on creating fresh ideas to motivate students to achieve their best in science.”
Mr Donnelly said that he was excited about his upcoming visit to Jersey and explained how he had moved from school to virtual teaching.
“After a successful and enjoyable career as a science teacher, around seven years ago I started making YouTube videos to help students with their learning. I was surprised how popular and well received these turned out to be, both with students and with teachers who often use them in their lessons. I now devote myself full-time to my new career as a YouTuber (or EduTuber, as YouTube likes to call us).
“I’m really looking forward to working with the students and staff at Haute Vallée School. Over the course of the two days, we’ll be looking at some of the most challenging areas of the GCSE science curriculum as well as how to best revise for upcoming exams and how to handle stress as the exams approach. I’ll also be working with the science staff to share ideas on teaching and learning.
“I’m always keen to work with schools but this is going to be particularly exciting for me as I’ve never visited Jersey.”​