18 December 2020

​The results of an online survey which asked Islanders for their views about St Brelades’ Bay has been published.
The three-week long survey took place in September and asked Islanders, including an Island youth group and businesses, to respond to three open-ended questions:
- what do you love about the bay?
- how has the bay changed over the last decade?
- what could be done to improve the bay in the future?
More than half of the 499 Islanders who responded said they appreciated the bay for its natural beauty, walking along the beach and promenade, swimming and water sports, and 71% of respondents said developments in the bay were unsympathetic to existing architecture and landscape.
Responses from the
survey will help shape the bridging Island Plan and inform future planning policies.
Deputy Gregory Guida, Assistant Minister for the Environment said: “This phase of public engagement is a very important piece of work and I am pleased so many people took the time to give their very passionate views on what is a very special part of our Island.
“All views will be taken into account as we develop future planning policies for the area in the new Island Plan.”