09 December 2020

​A report updating the work of the Sustainable Transport Policy (STP) has been published.
The STP contains a framework which outlines how transport can be developed over the next decade and a Sustainable Transport Strong Start Delivery Plan detailing the actions which are needed deliver the vision outlined in the framework.
The progress report provides an update on what has been achieved in the 2020 Delivery Plan and a timetable of the initiatives which are planned for 2021.
The report includes a project update on the:
- Jardin de la Mer cycle path
- Bikeability training delivered by Jersey Sport
- Eastern cycle route consultation
Deputy Kevin Lewis, Minister for Infrastructure said: “I am pleased with the work we have achieved in 2020 considering the disruption the pandemic has caused. There is no doubt COVID has caused delays in terms of policy development and implementation of projects.
“The progress report has been published ahead of next week’s Government Plan debate and enables Islanders and States Members to see what will be achieved as part of the policy.
“Government is still committed to the bold and ambitious plans outlined in the STP to develop new action plans for active travel, the bus service and parking.
A copy of the report can be found