16 November 2020

A consultation on what transport will look like over the next ten years has been launched.
Islanders are being asked for their views on four proposed plans: an Active Travel Plan, Bus Service Development Plan, Parking Plan and a plan addressing Mobility as a Service.
The plans will help deliver the vision set out in the Sustainable Transport Policy (STP) which encourages healthy choices like walking and cycling. Islanders have an opportunity say whether anything should be added to the plans or whether any further interested parties need to be consulted.
Deputy Kevin Lewis, Minister for Infrastructure said: “During August and September we consulted with partners like the Parish of St Helier, Jersey Chamber of Commerce and Cycle for Jersey to formulate what the four plans should include.
“After a significant delay due to the pandemic we are moving on with our strategic work so that we can realise our vision to make our everyday lives better, encourage us and our children to be healthier and make our Island greener.”
A copy of the report can be found on