21 May 2020

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, has signed an Order which updates the restrictions on personal movement and continues the move into Level 3 of the Safe Exit Framework.
Following medical advice, the COVID-19 (Restricted Movement) (Jersey) Order 2020 now permits Islanders to be outside if travelling to and from their workplace, if their employer has instructed them to return to work. Time spent in the workplace is not subject to a time limit.
Guidance has been issued on indoor workplaces to allow employees to return to workplace-based activity.
Other Level 3 measures (which still includes a Stay Home instruction) remain unaffected. Islanders may:
- meet a maximum of 5 people from outside their household
- go outside their homes for up to 6 hours
Public health measures are still in place, with Islanders asked to:
- wash their hands with soap and water or use a sanitiser gel throughout the day
- catch coughs or sneezes in a tissue, bin it and wash their hands
- clean and disinfect objects and surfaces
- keep 2 metres apart from anyone outside their household
Islanders are reminded that if they have flu-like symptoms, they should stay in or go home immediately, and call the Helpline on +44 (0) 1534 445566.
The Government will continue to monitor the situation and follow any updated medical advice.