16 February 2021

This half term, Islanders are being encouraged to get outside and explore Jersey’s environment as part of the Government’s Climate Conversation initiative.
This week focuses on transport and poses the question ‘are there better ways we can travel around the Island?’
The 12 Parish Challenge is based around the number one cycle route, but Islanders can travel the route however they wish.
The Government has partnered with EVie who has agreed to supply their EVieBikes to those who don’t have access to one. Islanders can hire an EVieBike from La Fregate.
Last year EVie members saved 48 tonnes of CO2, travelling 350,000km around Jersey. That’s the equivalent of roughly nine times round the Earth. Transport is responsible for approximately one third of the carbon emissions in Jersey.
Signs have been placed in each parish at various points of interest and each one has a QR code which will lead Islanders to a website with facts about the environment.
Each point of interest is registered on a digital map and includes:
- St Helier – Energy Recovery Facility
- St Saviour – Le Dicq Slipway
- St Clement- Jersey’s Orchid Trial
- Grouville- Longbeach Car Park
- St Martin- Mont Orgueil Castle
- Trinity – Jersey Zoo
- St John- Sorel Point
- St Mary – La Mare Vineyard
- St Ouen- Le Port
- St Brelade- Railway Walk
- St Peter- Gunsite Slip Way
- St Lawrence- Coronation Park
Assistant Minister for Environment, Deputy Jess Perchard said: “By getting involved in the 12 Parish Challenge, I hope Islanders will be encouraged to consider how they travel around the island while learning about our environment.
“By cycling or walking the route, I hope Islanders will be reminded of the benefits and enjoyment of being outdoors, encouraging them to walk and cycle more often in order to help the community meet our aim of becoming of carbon neutral by 2030.”
The challenge also coincides with Move More Jersey’s ‘Feel Good February’ which has been encouraging Islanders to get active this month.
Islanders can find out more about the 12 Parish Challenge