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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Survey launched to explore attitudes to COVID-19 vaccination

29 January 2021

The Government of Jersey have commissioned 4insight to conduct an Island wide survey to establish the public’s views on the COVID-19 vaccination to ensure the Programme is understanding the needs of Islanders.

The objective for the survey is to identify perceptions of risk and attitudes towards receiving the vaccine and explore why Islanders make certain choices.

The findings will illustrate any potential differences across demographics such as age and gender. In addition, there will be four qualitative focus groups which will be a representative sample of the Island’s demographic.

The survey will be available online to complete from today (Friday 29 January) and will close 15 February.

The survey is estimated to take no longer than 10 minutes and is made up of a mix of closed questions, and open-ended questions. Effort has been made to avoid leading or biased questions.

Those who complete the survey can be submitted for a chance to win ÂŁ100.

Islanders who would rather complete the survey over the phone are encouraged to call 4Insight on 01534 859300 between 9am and 5pm, Monday – Friday.

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