12 May 2021

​Islanders will have the opportunity to directly ask questions to Ministers at a series of live panel sessions starting from Wednesday 19th May 2021. Each session will be hosted by an independent moderator and streamed on the social media.
Panel session dates are planned as follows:
- Wednesday 19th May 2021
- Tuesday 29th June 2021
- Tuesday 10th August 2021
- Tuesday 21st September 2021
- Tuesday 2nd November 2021
- Tuesday 14th December 2021
- Tuesday 25th January 2022
- Tuesday 8th March 2022
The panel sessions will be shown on the Government's social media channels from 7pm to 8:30pm and a list of which Ministers are attending each session will be published a week before on gov.je.
The first session will feature the Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, the Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf, and the Assistant Chief Minister, Constable Richard Buchanan, and will be hosted by journalist, Gary Burgess.
Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: "We are keen to improve our engagement with Islanders following on from the success of the Virtual Parish Hall sessions late last year, and we hope this will give a better understanding of what Ministers and Government do.
"We're passionate about continuing to make Jersey a great place to live and work and we want to tell people how we are achieving this."
Islanders can submit their questions in advance by emailing AskTheMinisters@gov.je or during the live session by visiting slido.com using the event code: #AskTheMinisters.