08 February 2021

Islanders aged 65-69 will be able to book their COVID-19 vaccine appointments from Wednesday 10 February as part of the next eligible group outlined by the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JVCI).
The booking system will go live on Wednesday 10 February and Islanders will be able to book any available appointments on the same day.
Islanders will need to have the following information on the vaccine recipient to make a booking online:
- Name, Address, Contact details
- Social Security number
- Date of Birth
Head of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington, said: “We have made significant progress in our vaccination programme and since it started two months ago, we have administered over 14,000 doses in a variety of settings including residential care homes, mobile unit and the vaccine centre.
“I would like to encourage all Islanders who are in this group to book their appointments. The protection they offer is significant to those whose lives are at risk and it will give Islanders the chance to regain some sense of normality.
“When appointments become available, it is much quicker to book online, and we’d encourage Islanders to only call the helpline if they require a home visit or if they don’t have access to the internet.”
Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “Our vaccination team is working incredibly hard and I am immensely proud of everyone involved. We are making great progress in our fight against COVID-19 and we need an Island wide effort to protect those who are vulnerable.
“I continue to encourage all Islanders who are eligible for a vaccine at this time to book their appointments as soon as possible.”
“Although the vaccine offers protection, I urge everyone who has been vaccinated to continue following public health guidance. We can all continue to protect each other in this uncertain time and while we have made great progress, there is still a way to go.”
As of Sunday 31 January, 14,838 doses of the vaccine have been administered and 3,131 Islanders have had both doses.
Islanders at moderate risk, who are next on the JCVI priority list after 65-69 year olds, will receive letters inviting them to book their appointments in due course.
Appointments can also be booked online at
gov.je/vaccine or by calling the Coronavirus Freephone Helpline on 0800 735 5566.