04 January 2021

​From Wednesday 6 January, Islanders aged 80 and over can book to receive their free COVID-19 vaccination as part of Tier 2 of the Government’s COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Appointments may be booked online by visiting www.gov.je/vaccine and will be available from 13 January 2021. Islanders are asked not to visit the site until then as appointments are currently being scheduled for frontline HCS staff and some bookings are already being made by the public in those critical slots.
If Islanders over 80 years old, live with someone over 75, both Islanders can receive the vaccine at the same time by booking their appointments through the Coronavirus Helpline (445566).
The appointments will be at the COVID-19 Vaccination Centre at Fort Regent. If people are not able to attend an appointment at Fort Regent, a member of the vaccinator team will visit them in their home. To book a home visit, please call the Coronavirus Helpline to arrange an appointment from the 18 January.
All necessary infection control measures have been put in place to ensure the Vaccination Centre is safe to visit. There is ample parking (included disabled parking) and marshals will be on hand to guide visitors.
The Government recognises that some people in this age group may not have immediate access to the internet, and is asking family, friends, and neighbours to contact elderly Islanders and book appointments on their behalf, if requested.
Parish Halls and the Coronavirus Helpline will also be on hand to support people wishing to make a booking.
Islanders will need to have the following information on the vaccine recipient to make a booking:
• Name, Address, Contact details
• Social Security number
• Date of Birth
Vaccine Programme Lead, Becky Sherrington said: “We have vaccinated 3,188 Islanders in Tier 1 with the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine and are ready to move on to Tier 2 of our programme. As a result, Jersey currently stands third in the world for the number we have vaccinated per 100 people in the population.
“Our staff will be working hard to ensure Islanders are vaccinated safely and in priority order and so we ask that only those aged 80 or over come forward. This will help keep the programme running smoothly and will help lead us forward to some sense of normality.”
Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “This is another important step in protecting older Islanders from COVID-19.
“I would like to encourage all Islanders to make sure their relatives, friends and neighbours who are 80 years old and over know about the vaccine slots, book them as soon as possible, and attend their appointments. We need a community effort to protect these Islanders.”
When attending appointments, Islanders will need to:
• Bring proof of address
• Bring ID confirming date of birth which will be verified
• Wear a mask
• Wear warm but loose clothing to ensure the vaccine can be administered to the upper arm
It is important not to attend an appointment if feeling unwell or isolating. In such cases you must cancel your appointment by calling the Helpline on 01534 445566 You will be able to book another appointment after you recover or end your isolation.
COVID-19 vaccine appointments