01 June 2021

The Environment Minister has, on behalf of the Government of Jersey, received a report detailing the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change.
The Citizens' Assembly was formed as part of the Carbon Neutral Strategy, which was adopted by the States Assembly in February 2020.
After 15 sessions it has now produced and prioritised its recommendations which considers issues such as transport, heating, cooling and cooking emissions.
Minister for Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "I'd like to thank the Citizens' Assembly for their time, commitment and enthusiasm over the past few months, they came together to debate the nature and pace of Jersey's transition to carbon neutrality.
"When I presented the Carbon Neutral Strategy to the States, it was clear that we wanted a people-powered approach to tackle the climate emergency, and that the Citizens' Assembly would help the Island get to grips with some of the measures required to achieve our carbon neutral goals.
"The Citizens' Assembly could be considered the most ambitious exercise of participatory democracy that Jersey has seen; this is important when considering the scale of the climate emergency and how it impacts all of us now and our future generations.
"We've ensured the process has been kept clear of, and independent from, any political interference and now it is for States Members to carefully consider the range of recommendations before an in-committee debate later this summer."