19 July 2021

Islanders are asked to share their views in a public consultation about a new regulatory framework for social work and mental health services for children and young people operating in Jersey.
The draft legislation would extend the remit of the independent Jersey Care Commission so that it becomes responsible for regulating and conducting annual inspections of the following services:
- adoption services
- children's home services
- fostering services
- social work services for children and young people
- independent monitoring and review of children's safeguarding arrangements
- child contact centres
- residential family centres
- children and young peoples' mental health services
- care services in special schools, and
- children and family community nursing services.
Any individual who provides these services would be required to register with the Care Commission as a care provider. A failure to register would be an offence.
The draft legislation will require services to provide care that is appropriate, safe, and of a high standard. Any breach of these requirements could result in fines of up to £50,000.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy Young, who holds ministerial responsibility for health and social care regulatory policy, said: "The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry recommended that Jersey should introduce statutory inspection of Children's Services.
"I am proposing to go further and place all social work and outpatient mental health services provided to Jersey's children under the regulatory oversight of the Care Commission.
"It is important that we get this legislation right to ensure that children receive high quality care both now and in the future. That is why I would encourage Islanders to provide feedback on these proposals."
The Government will consider feedback from the consultation to ensure that the proposals are proportionate, while also achieving the required protection objectives. It will then take these responses into account before bringing forward the final draft legislation for debate in the States Assembly.
Feedback is welcome from all stakeholders. The consultation paper is likely to be of particular interest to those involved in the social care sector, as well as children and young people.
Responses can be sent via email to F.Walker@gov.je, by post to Regulation of Care Consultation, Strategic Policy, Performance and Population, Government of Jersey, 19 to 21 Broad Street, St Helier, JE2 3RR. Or online at gov.je
The deadline is Friday 17 September 2021.