22 July 2021

Four new cycle shelters have been added in St Helier as part of a four-month pilot scheme to encourage Islanders to cycle in and out of town. Islanders are invited to share their feedback via a consultation.
The covered cycle shelters have been placed at: Les Jardins de la Mer carpark near the cycle track, the Esplanade next to the Finance Centre offices, Sand Street and next to Gloucester Street traffic lights. If the pilot is successful, these shelters will become permanent, and a second tranche of cycle shelters will follow.
Minster for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: "It is great to see these new cycle shelters up and around town, I have seen that some cyclists are already starting to use them which is brilliant.
"The pilot scheme will run on for four months but if Islanders enjoy the shelters, we will keep them up permanently. Islanders can share their feedback via the consultation, which I look forward to reviewing. I hope these shelters will encourage more Islanders to leave their cars at home and cycle into town, particularly over the warm summer months."
The consultation closes on Friday 19 November.