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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Advice for direct contacts of people with Covid-19

14 July 2021

covid update
Ministers are asking anyone who thinks they may be a direct contact of someone who has tested positive to wait to receive a text message from the COVID Safe team. The texts are sent as quickly as possible but are taking longer than usual at the moment. 

Work is underway to simplify the process to cope with the increase in positive cases.
The Track and Trace team will contact anyone identified as a direct contact, once they have spoken to the person who has tested positive. It is not necessary to call the helpline as they cannot arrange PCR tests for direct contacts.

Anyone who thinks they might be a direct contact is not legally required to isolate, but they are asked to consider their responsibility to the wider community, and to avoid gatherings and public places where possible.

Calls to the helpline are at a very high level at the moment, and staff appreciate callersā€™ patience.

Tuesday 13 July
  • helpline received 3,194 calls 
  • average answer time was 20 mins 25 seconds
  • busiest time of the day (and longest waits) 8am - 10.30am (more than 1,300 calls) 
  • quietest time of the day from 4 - 6pm (fewer than 440 calls)
Track and trace are actively recruiting, and 20 more staff have already joined the team. 
The helpline has doubled in size in the last two weeks and 20 colleagues have been brought in from across government, including from Fort Regent, Skills Jersey, and Customer and Local Services.
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