16 February 2021

This week, the Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin has signed a Ministerial Decision to issue the Government’s annual disability report which provides an overview on how the disability strategy is progresing and what is planned for the months ahead.
The annual report provides a timely reminder of how difficult the year has been while trying to support the five main priorities of the disability strategy; namely that disabled Islanders have:
- Support to communicate and access information.
- Greater access to the Island.
- Good health and wellbeing.
- Access to education, employment, and enriching activities.
- Equal rights and experience equality.
The report shows how delivery of the disability strategy is supported by an Implementation Group which consists of disabled Islanders, voluntary and community organisations, and officers from the Government along with the impact and subsequent delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The report also provides insight in to an agreed ‘new’ way of implementation, building on existing partnerships while working in line with the Government Plan.
Other report highlights include:
- Many local organisations joining in
- How funding was obtained to support employment projects
- The appointment of two Disability Inclusion Officers
- Steph De La Cour and Ant Lewis
Moving forward, the report recommends a focus on:
- Ensuring discrimination legislation is provided in accessible formats
- Establishing a reference group of disabled volunteers to advise on accessibility of buildings
- Promoting opportunities for disabled Islanders to be active citizens such as jurors, board members, elected representatives
- Promoting disability awareness Island-wide
Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin said: “This past year has presented a number of challenges across our Island community, but for those disabled Islanders, additional challenges were faced as access to some essential services was affected by public health restrictions.
“This report highlights what great work has been achieved so far, but also provides a reminder of how much more work we still have to do. The appointment of our Inclusion Officers will enable us to continue to focus our energy in promoting equality for our disabled Islanders, giving them what they need to live fulfilling lives.”
The full report can be found