09 July 2021

Islanders are being encouraged to register their interest to be a part of the Disability Strategy working groups.
The five working groups will set out to achieve progress on the strategy and focus on championing disability inclusion in Jersey.
Each group will focus on one of the five priorities set out in the strategy:
- Communication and access to information
- Access to the Island
- Health and Wellbeing
- Education, Employment & Enriching Activities
- Equal Rights
Islanders will be working with Disability Strategy Leads Jocelyn Jacques, Professor Claire de Than, Vic Tanner Davy, Cirsty de Gruchy, and Ester Tremeer.
Minister for Social Security, Deputy Judy Martin, said "This is a great opportunity for those that want to influence the design, planning, implementation and evaluation of programmes to address issues of disability in Jersey'.
"I encourage anyone who is interested to get involved to ensure that Islanders with disabilities have a voice in the Government's Disability Strategy."
Islanders that are interested in becoming a Champion for the Disability Strategy can email disability@gov.je. Deadline for expressions of interest is 23 July 2021.