10 February 2021

Statistics Jersey have today published their latest economic indicators report. This monthly report is a continuation of the previously published series of weekly economic indicators, now produced on a less frequent basis. The aim of these reports is to provide economic information to decision makers, businesses and members of the public during the COVID 19 pandemic.
On 31 January 2021
- the total number of people registered as ASW was 1,450; this total is 50 higher than a month earlier and 580 higher than a year earlier
- there were 6,050 active Income Support claims, 400 more than a year earlier (31 January 2020). This latest number of claims provided support for:
- 7,640 adults
- 3,170 children
- under Phase Three and Three+ of the Government Co-Funded Payroll Scheme over £21.1 million has been paid out for a total 5,000 claims for September, October, November and December 2020
- in total the Visitor Accommodation Support Scheme has seen over £2,000,000 paid out for a total of 120 claims for October, November and December 2020
- weekly public transport and road usage were 58% and 12% lower than a year earlier respectively
- around 60 loans had been approved under the Business Disruption Loan Guarantee Scheme; the total amount of loans approved was £3,388,700, of which £3,358,700 had been drawn down
On 29 January 2021
- after the first four Royal Court sittings in 2021, 80 HPI eligible properties had been sold. This was higher than seen at this point in any year 2018 - 2020.
Read the full report