21 September 2021
The draft bridging Island Plan inspectors have confirmed their public examination will start on Monday 15 November at 10am for two weeks
The independent examination will determine whether the draft Island Plan provides the orderly, comprehensive and sustainable development of land in a way that best serves the interests of the community.
A draft list of subjects proposed to be examined by the inspectors is expected to be published later this week, including an initial list of who will be invited to speak at the public hearings in November. The inspectors will invite comments on this list before it becomes finalised.
In April this year, UK company, 'Intelligent Plans and Examinations Ltd' were awarded the contract to examine the draft plan, following a tender process.
Once the examination is complete, the inspectors will submit a report to the Minister for Environment. This report will be published, then States Members can propose further amendments in light of the inspectors' recommendations.
The bridging Island Plan will be debated by the States Assembly in spring 2022.