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L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Greener kitchens across Government

25 February 2021

Person working in kitchen

​The Hospital Catering Facility, HMP La Moye, and Caring Cooks, are all taking part in the Island's Green Kitchen Standard. This pilot project is part of the Government's response to becoming carbon neutral.

The Green Kitchen Standard is a national environmental certification scheme run by Food for Life for catering providers. The standard encourages sustainable kitchen practice and procurement and focuses on energy, water and waste.

Senior Prison Officer, Paul Murray said: "While we currently practice food sustainability on a small scale, we have plans to take it further in the future.  We plant, nurture, grow, harvest then use various plant-based foods here at the prison. The little waste we produce then follows a sustainable route back into our environment to be used again."

The Hospital Catering Team said: "We are delighted to be involved in the pilot scheme and are honoured to be recognised as a proactive leader.  We strive to reduce energy and the natural resources that are required to run a modern-day kitchen."

Yvonne Corbin from Caring Cooks said: "We know that the States Assembly has voted to approve the Carbon Neutral Strategy and it would be a privilege to contribute to this crucial change by reducing our energy and water use and reducing our waste, we also hope to save money.  As a charity every penny we can save on our running costs will be a penny we can spend on preparing a nutritious meal for an Islander."

Islanders can join the Climate Conversation here.

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