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New Headteacher of Samarès Primary School Appointed

02 November 2021

​A new headteacher has been appointed to Samarès Primary School following a rigorous selection process.

Jenny Posner, the headteacher of St Martin's Primary School, will take up her new post in Samarès Primary School early in the New Year. Mrs Posner takes over from the current headteacher, Mike McDermott, who will retire at Christmas.

Commenting on her appointment, Mrs Posner, who has worked at St Martin's Primary School for 11 years, four years as headteacher and two as acting headteacher, said: "I am absolutely delighted to be appointed as headteacher of Samarès Primary School. I am looking forward to getting to know the children and families and working together with the staff team to support all the children. I want to express my huge thanks to the children, parents, staff and wider community at St Martin's for their support over the last 11 years. I have been very proud to be the headteacher of this wonderful school and will miss it enormously."

Seán O'Regan, Group Director of Education, added: "Mrs Posner was the unanimous choice of the recruitment panel. I am confident that she will bring the dedication and commitment she has ably demonstrated as headteacher of another high-performing Jersey primary school to ensure that Samarès School continues to go from strength to strength."

Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "I would like to congratulate Mrs Posner on her new role and wish her well in her new position. I know the whole school community at Samarès will give her their support. I would also like to thank Mike McDermott for his years of hard work, dedication and commitment to our children and wish him well in his retirement.''  

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