02 November 2021

"I want to assure Islanders that it is recognised how important it is to find a solution to the sustainable funding of future health and care services and public health costs. Clear actions are outlined in the Government Plan 2022.
"Work has already started on the sustainable health funding review, to identify the future health costs the government will face as a direct result of demographic changes, advances in medical treatment, and additional costs resulting from the Scrutiny Panel's recommendation to make the role of Public Health more prominent within the Jersey Care Model. This will allow the new States Assembly to make informed decisions on the future costs and funding options.
"At the same time, I appreciate the importance and the urgency to provide an effective and responsive mental health service.
This includes the Home Treatment Team who are set up to support people at home wherever possible and facilitate early discharge from hospital, and the Complex Trauma Network who developed a number of roles to support individuals with history of trauma. Regarding our buildings and environments, there has been investment in these, most notably Le Chasse and Orchard House. In some cases, teams have been located to more suitable premises, including the Drug and Alcohol Team and Jersey Talking Therapies.
Considerable investment has already gone into supporting these services and they will continue to be a key focus in future financial planning. Our mental health team regularly reviews the demand on mental health services and uses the information to provide services where they are needed most.
"The Government Plan 2022 includes considerable funding to address the backlog for cancer screening programmes that have been negatively impacted by the pandemic. This will ensure that islanders who have had their cancer screening delayed will be seen within the next year and anyone who requires urgent screening will be seen rapidly.
"Free cervical screening is still provided at Le Bas Centre and GP surgeries. At Le Bas Centre, extra clinics have been organised in November and December so women can attend for appointments. Letters have gone out from GPs to all women resident in Jersey who are registered for cervical screening, and I encourage everyone to take up the free offer. Women who aren't registered, or who haven't received a letter can contact their GP or book for a screening appointment at Le Bas.
"I will also be working closely with the Minister for Social Security regarding the transfer of funds for the Jersey Care Model (JCM) from the Health Insurance Fund (HIF). The plan for 2022 is set out in the Government Plan 2022 which Members will debate in December. "