10 March 2021

The Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy Russell Labey has published his response to the Jersey Homelessness Strategy.
The strategy, which was published in January by the independent cross-sector Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board, sets out the vision, priorities and actions needed to end homelessness in the Island.
In the response, Deputy Labey has set out the actions that Government will take over the next five years. They include:
- collecting data on homelessness to inform policy development and service design
- establishing a housing advice service so that help and information is available to anyone who needs it
- ensuring effective multi-agency support is in place, including referral pathways and personal housing plans
- working with social housing providers to build more homes across a range of housing needs
- supporting the delivery of new temporary and supported housing
- enhancing the role of the private rented sector, including security of tenure and protections for tenants
The Minister said: "We cannot underestimate the challenges of homelessness in Jersey, which takes many forms and requires a variety of accommodation and support to meet the needs of those people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness.
"The strategy shows that Government, in coordination with other organisations, is taking important and unprecedented action to address homelessness, and more than £500,000 has been allocated to support homelessness services over the next four years.
"We are already establishing a housing advice service in Customer and Local Services, and creating a new accommodation and support service to assist those who are homelessness or vulnerably housed."
The Homelessness Strategy was published in January by the independent Jersey Homelessness Strategic Board which comprises Government representatives, voluntary and community organisations, housing providers, and project funder and sponsor, Ocorian Trust.
The response can be found here.