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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Guidance for the reopening of hospitality

19 February 2021


Following the announcement that certain hospitality services will open on Monday 22 February, the Government has issued guidance for Islanders and businesses to follow.

From Monday, seated food and drink services may resume in licensed and non-licensed premises; however, alcohol can only be served with a main meal. Further alcoholic drinks cannot be ordered once the meal is finished.

Furthermore, hotels and places of accommodation may reopen for overnight guests.

When going out for a meal or an overnight stay, Islanders should:
  • Keep their mask on at all times except for when eating or drinking or, when in their room, if staying the night
  • Provide their details for contact tracing purposes
  • Use hand sanitiser on arrival and when leaving, in addition to washing hands thoroughly during the course of their visit and after using the bathroom 
  • stay at the table for no longer than two and a half hours when eating a meal

To keep everyone safe, business owners must ensure that: 
  • everyone is 2 meters from others sitting at adjacent tables or shielded from them by a robust screen 
  • staff wear masks at all times; a mask should be changed every two hours.
  • staff can access a PCR COVID-19 test every 8 weeks as part of the workforce testing programme
  • all surfaces, including tables are regularly sanitised.

Staff and members of the public must not attend if they have COVID-19 symptoms. They must stay at home and get tested.
Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “I would like to thank Islanders for continuing to follow public health advice and for acting to protect others: this has allowed us to ease some restrictions on the hospitality industry. We have put in place these protective measures to ensure a safe return to normal Island life.”

Deputy Medical Officer of Health, Dr Ivan Muscat said: “Islanders should be reassured that these venues are controlled environments and are subject to robust mitigations on reopening. This means that we will be able to limit the spread of COVID-19, as we have done in other controlled environments like schools and non-essential retail.

“These mitigations are in place to keep Islanders safe. It remains vital for all Islanders to continue following public health guidelines to avoid not just individual risk but the risk of a significant increase in COVID numbers causing a stasis or reversal of our reconnection schedule.” 

Deputy Chief Minister, Senator Lyndon Farnham said: “This is a big step in our reconnection strategy, and welcoming news for many businesses who have been affected by the pandemic.  I am pleased we can take these next steps and I can reassure Islanders and businesses that the Government is working closely with the industry to ensure they have all the support and information they need.

“Businesses can still apply for the Fixed Cost Support Scheme for additional support, and we remain committed to continuing to protect businesses, lives, and livelihoods in Jersey.”

The Government has provided hospitality premises with signage to support their safe reopening and is also producing videos with the industry to show Islanders what to expect when they arrive at an establishment.

Islanders are also encouraged to download the Jersey COVID Alert app if they have not yet done so. 

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