28 July 2021

A new service has been launched for Islanders who need support with housing, as part of the Government's plan to reduce income inequality and improve the standard of living.
The Housing Advice Service provides information, advice, and support for islanders on all aspects of housing. It brings together information from across gov.je and other Jersey websites and services.
Information will all be in one place, including information on renting, deposits, buying, and selling in Jersey.
The service will also provide advice on affordable housing for first time buyers as well as offering practical support for the homeless members of Jersey's community.
The service offers several benefits, including:
- dedicated and tailored support for Islanders who have a range housing needs
- a consistent and centralised information service
- new Housing Advice Service web page and a contact email: housingadvice@gov.je
- new online 'self-referral' form
A new Housing Support Specialist Officer, Jade Boschat, has been appointed to support Islanders with their housing needs. Jade will help people find housing, create personalised action plans to address specific needs, and co-ordinate various services.
Safeguarding and Critical Support Team Manager, Heather McManus, said: "I am delighted that we now have a team in place. Having a dedicated team who can focus on the individual needs of Islanders will make things easier for the members of our community facing housing problems."
UK-based charity, Homeless Link, has partnered with the Government of Jersey to review and develop a more robust service for tackling homelessness, which will be bespoke to the needs of Jersey's population.
Minister for Housing and Communities, Deputy Russell Labey, said: "This is encouraging news for Islanders and I am sure the hard work and efforts of the team behind the service will hugely benefit those that need support in their housing needs.
"We are getting closer to tackling the problem with homelessness and I remain positive that we can and will continue to help those members of our Island community."
Anyone that needs help and support with their housing needs can contact the Housing Advice Service by emailing housingadvice@gov.je or calling Customer and Local Services on 444444 and choosing option 6.
More information can be found on www.gov.je/housingadviceservice