18 March 2021
Today, the Government has launched its Inspiring Active Places strategy, which outlines new plans for the future of public sport and wellbeing facilities in the Island.
The strategy outlines ambitious plans for new and purpose-built Government facilities to house the existing users at Fort Regent, as well as the development of new sports and wellbeing hubs across the Island.
These will be modern, holistic health and wellbeing hubs including, gyms, studios, creches, play areas, libraries, a health facility and cafes. These include:
- Les Quennevais Sport and Wellbeing Hub
- Le Rocquier Sport and Wellbeing Hub
- St Helier Sport and Wellbeing Hub
- Oakfield Sports Centre Expansion and Springfield Fitness and Studio expansion
- Further discussions over ambitions for an Island stadium
The Government is seeking the views of Islanders on these plans, so has launched a consultation, which all Islanders are being encouraged to take part in. This can be accessed through www.inspiringactiveplaces.je.
Last September, the Government, in partnership with Jersey Sport, launched the Inspiring an Active Jersey strategy with the goal of increasing the number of active Islanders by 10%. It is hoped that these plans for improved facilities will help significantly towards achieving this goal.
Assistant Minister for Economic Development with responsibility for sport, Deputy Hugh Raymond said: "Sport plays a vital role in Island life, so I am thrilled to present our long-term aspirations for increasing sporting activities and developing our sporting industries on the Island.
"We also want to focus on improving both the mental and physical health of Islanders, which is particularly important due to the impact of Covid-19 and our suggested state-of-the–art sport and wellbeing hubs, will focus on just that.
"More than 80% of children and over half of adults in Jersey do not meet the WHO's guidelines for physical activity and in order for us to achieve our goal, it is essential to provide affordable facilities that meet the needs of Islanders and our sporting clubs and associations.
"Of course the pandemic has had a massive economic impact and so before committing to these plans, we need to have a conversation with the Island to take into account everyone's view about the best fit of sporting facilities for the Island and this strategy provides an excellent starting point for discussion."
Director General for Infrastructure, Housing, and Environment, Andy Scate said: "We are envisioning Jersey to have one of the most physically active and healthy populations in the world and by transforming our sports facilities, we will be able to focus on reaching that goal. The plan will continue to be developed through consultation and together I am certain we will design and deliver an exceptional range of modern public sport and wellbeing facilities for Jersey"