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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Interim Chief Executive is appointed for Government of Jersey

29 January 2021

Paul Martin
Paul Martin has been appointed Interim Chief Executive for the Government of Jersey on a 12-month fixed term contract. Paul is currently the Chief Executive of both the London Boroughs of Wandsworth and Richmond upon Thames, where he has worked since 2010 and 2016 respectively. 

He will be joining the Government on 1 March 2021, following his arrival in Jersey and his receipt of a negative Day 10 coronavirus test. The outgoing Chief Executive, Charlie Parker, will end his tenure on 31 March 2021.

Paul Martin has worked in local government and the UK Civil Service for more than 38 years, the last 22 years of which have been in Chief Executive roles. He is the only Chief Executive in London who leads two London boroughs simultaneously. 

Previously, he was the Regional Director for Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in the South East. This involved working with local businesses to lead central government’s efforts on job growth, economic and community sustainability, and neighbourhood regeneration ambitions.

The Chief Minister and Chair of the States Employment Board, Senator John Le FondrĂ©, said: “Paul Martin brings with him decades of senior leadership experience in the public sector. His career experience will be of direct benefit to the Government as we navigate the effects of Brexit, Covid-19 and a global economic downturn. 

“Paul will provide an experienced and steady hand on the tiller as we look to appoint a permanent Chief Executive. He will focus on the major projects, including the new Hospital project as well as those set out in the Government Plan and will keep close oversight on the vaccination programme that will secure our exit from the current restrictions.”

Chair of the Jersey Appointments Commission, Dame Janet Paraskeva, said “We are very pleased with the appointment of Paul Martin to the position of interim Chief Executive. 
“The role was advertised both on and off-Island and we had a number of quality applications from Jersey based candidates.  The panel ultimately chose the candidate they felt had the best experience to support the Government of Jersey in this crucial period, including taking the Island through Brexit and out of Covid.

“For the permanent position, we hope to attract a range of suitably qualified Jersey candidates as well as those from a UK and international search.”

Paul Martin said “I am hugely looking forward to the opportunity to serve the Island's Government and residents in this unique role.  I am very aware that Jersey has a special heritage and character and am committed to taking on this 12-month role in a way that puts Islanders at the centre of their Government’s ambitions.

“I will use my experience to serve Jersey’s Council of Ministers and elected States Members to the best of my abilities, supporting them to deliver their Government Plan while we bring the Island out of the Covid-19 pandemic and on a sustainable path to community and economic cohesion. 
"For the duration of the contract, I will immerse myself in the Island both professionally and personally. Although my contract is for a fixed period, my commitment to the role will be total and I am determined that the Government's priorities and plans will move forward at pace over the next 12 months".

The appointment process for the Interim Chief Executive was run by the Jersey Appointments Commission with independent oversight.

Panel Composition:

  • John Le FondrĂ© – Chief Minister
  • Dame Janet Paraskeva – Jersey Appointments Commission
  • Peter Charalambous – Jersey Appointments Commission 
  • Helen Ruelle – Independent Jersey panel member and a member of the Jersey Appointments Commission
  • Jane Burgess: UK Civil Service Commission and Chair of the panel (Non-voting member and regulator)


The panel considered 17 applications, including 7 on-Island applications and 1 from Guernsey.
4 candidates were invited to final interview (3 were from off-Island and 1 on-Island).
1 of the off-Island candidates withdrew at this stage.
3 final interviews were therefore conducted (2 off-Island and 1 on-Island).
The final offer, based on merit and according to the job specification, was made to Paul Martin.
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