10 December 2021

The interim Chief Executive of the Government of Jersey, Paul Martin, will take on the role of interim Chief Executive at the London Borough of Ealing following the arrival of his successor, Suzanne Wylie, in February 2022.
CEO handover meetings have been taking place since the appointment of Ms Wylie, both virtually and face to face. Ms Wylie arrives permanently on Island in January and takes up her post on 1st February 2022.
Mr Martin takes up his new role as interim CEO in Ealing in February 2022, as he has outstanding annual leave to take before his contract ends on 28th February 2022. He will leave Jersey in February. No exit or termination payment applies to his role.
He will also remain available throughout February to assist Ms Wylie and the Chief Minister as required.
Mr Martin said: "I have loved my time in Jersey and would like to thank everyone I have worked with for the opportunity to serve the Island as interim Chief Executive. I've made many new friends and colleagues with whom I will keep in touch in the months and years ahead.
"I'm pleased to now have the opportunity to help Ealing council over the coming months and aim to move the council forward in partnership with elected members".
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: "I would like to thank Paul for all his support and dedication during his time as Interim CEO. We wish him the very best in his new role with Ealing Council."