15 April 2021

A further independent report which looks at the Island's infrastructure has been published. This report has contributed to the development of the new draft bridging Island Plan, which is due to be published next week.
The Infrastructure Capacity Study looks at infrastructure, from waste, water and electricity, to public services and telecommunication and transport networks. It suggests ways to improve current infrastructure and considers how future demands may affect the Island. The study provides a baseline for any future work on long-term infrastructure plans.
Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: "This report, like others we have previously published, contains information about key issues that the bridging Island Plan and subsequent Island Plan Reviews, need to respond to.
"I want to encourage every Islander to get involved in the 12-week public consultation when it launches next week. Everyone should see this as their opportunity to have their say about the future of the Island and its development, not only over the next three years, but also how we might best respond to the long-term challenges that are set out in this report."
A 12-week public consultation on the draft bridging Island Plan will begin week commencing 19 April 2021.