10 March 2021

Jersey’s Census 2021 questionnaires will be delivered to households this week and next, in time for Census Day on Sunday 21 March.
Most questionnaires will be delivered by Jersey Post, but some households will have their forms hand-delivered by the census team to ensure all households across the Island receive one and no one is missed out.
Chief Statistician at Statistics Jersey, Ian Cope said: “The census helps us understand what our society needs now and what it will likely need in the future, it is important we count every single person living in the Island.
”The census takes a snapshot of the population on one day, (this year being 21 March), offering an accurate picture of the Island which helps inform policy across Government.
“A really good example of how the last census has helped inform important public services is the planning of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme. The population was estimated in 2019 following the 2011 census and helped establish how and when Islanders can receive their vaccine.
“The additional questions in this year’s questionnaire will further help inform what the needs of Islanders are today in areas such as health and education and help to estimate those ongoing needs for the next decade.
“I encourage Islanders to complete their census as soon as possible, whether online or using the paper questionnaire.”
The census team delivering questionnaires will wear census ID badges and will not be entering people’s homes. They will work in line with all COVID-19 government public health guidance.
The census is run by Statistics Jersey and takes place every 10 years. It helps plan public services such as school places, healthcare, and transport, and is widely used by businesses, charities, and Islanders.
Islanders can either complete their census online by using the code on their paper questionnaire or they can fill in the paper form and return it to the Census Office using the Freepost envelope provided.
Completing the census is so important that it is a legal requirement and Islanders could face a fine of up to £1,000 if they don’t take part.
More information and support is available online at gov.je/census and from the census helpline 444400 for anyone who needs it.