26 February 2021

Following announcements by Department for Education in the UK on the re-opening of Universities, the Government of Jersey is advising university students of the guidance.
Universities will re-open to students on practical courses and those who need access to specialist equipment from 8 March. Students who return to campus for these courses are being advised by the UK Government not to return home for Easter.
Students studying non-practical courses and those who do not need access to specialist equipment are not expected to return to campus before the end of April. Any decision taken by the UK Government will be based on the effect of students returning for practical courses.
For all students, face-to-face teaching will be avoided wherever possible, and summer assessments will run as usual.
Students travelling from Jersey to the UK will not need to self-isolate when they arrive. However, they will be required to take two COVID-19 tests when they arrive, and continue to take weekly tests.
Minister for Education, Deputy Jeremy Maçon, said: “This has been an incredibly difficult year for Jersey students, and I’m sure many will be pleased to hear that they will be able to return to the UK to continue their studies.
“I know there is still much uncertainty for students around these issues. I want to reassure them, and their parents, that I am continuing to work with my officers, other departments and with colleagues in the UK to provide as much detailed guidance as possible.
“At this point, I’d strongly advise students who have questions and concerns to contact their university directly. Their university will able to tell them whether their course is counted as practical or non-practical; whether their return will be staggered; and whether they’ll be expected to work through the Easter holidays.
“However, support is still available closer to home. The Student Finance team is available to take questions and offer appropriate advice on (01534) 4499450 or via
studentfinance@gov.je. The Youth Enquiry Service is available to support students who are struggling with their mental health.”