04 March 2021

This weeks latest COVID-19 Vaccination Programme statistics include further data publishing of priority group vaccination coverage including, frontline health and social workers and other health and social workers.
A total of 33,511 doses have been administered (first and second).
*Priority Group data (as of 28 February):
- 95% of care home residents have received their first dose
- 83% of care home staff have received their first dose
- 90% of frontline health and social care workers have received their first dose
- 63% of other health and social care workers have received their first dose
- 83% of all ages who are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (High Risk) have received their first dose
- 65% of all ages who are Clinically at Risk (Moderate Risk) have received their first dose
*Age Group data (as of Sunday, 28 February):
- 100% of 80+ have received their first dose
- 94% of 75-79 have received their first dose
- 93% of 70-74 have received their first dose
- 85% of 65-69 have received their first dose
- 53% of 60-64 have received their first dose
- 31% of 55-59 have received their first dose
- 23% of 50-54 have received their first dose
- 11% of 17-49 have received their first dose
*based on 2019 population estimates
Head of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme, Becky Sherrington said: “It is incredible that we can offer data, to be best of our knowledge, on the take up within the various priority groups as it illustrates the amazing achievement we as an Island can celebrate.
“90% of frontline Health and Social Care workers have received their first dose which is such good news for the health of Islanders. This group will soon also receive invitations to get their second dose, meaning those who work with our most vulnerable in the community can feel protected and offer that protection to those they care for and treat. I encourage everyone who receives their second dose appointment to please take it up to fully protect themselves from COVID-19.”
The report on vaccination coverage in priority groups issued today by Public Health, outlines the challenges faced with refining each set of data among groups and how this is being developed.
The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “I’d like to thank all staff across Health and Community Services and those within other organisations who have helped to protect our Island from COVID-19.
“The high take up of first doses is incredibly promising and the actions of those who have received the vaccine so far, has contributed, no doubt to saving the health and perhaps even lives, of those most vulnerable to this disease.
“The vaccination programme is a testament to the dedication of all Islanders who have had to adapt to living with COVID-19. It’s a fantastic place to be, nearly one year on from receiving the news that Jersey had it’s first case of the virus and may the success only continue as we move through into the Spring.”
The COVID-19 vaccination statistics will continue to be published weekly, 4 days in arrears and are currently aligned with the UK’s vaccination rate per 100 people in the population at 31.09.