13 August 2021

The swimming pools at Les Quennevais Sports Centre will be closed from Tuesday 24 August for one week to allow for essential maintenance.
Active members will be able to book swimming sessions at Langford Sports Centre by going to the Les Quennevais page of the Active Jersey app and selecting Les Quennevais Swim Sessions.
Langford Sport Centre swimming pool has five lanes and is 25 metres in length. Cubicle changing is available and lockers require a 20 pence piece.
Centre Manager, Rachel Sawyer, said: "While it is unfortunate that this closure will disrupt our services for one week, it is important that maintenance to the filters is carried out before autumn when demand for the swimming pools increases.
"Staff from Les Quennevais will be opening Langford Sports Centre for Active members to swim, and the mobile pool hoist will be relocated to Langford for the week. Les Quennevais' swimming pools will re-open on Wednesday 1 September."