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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Library given accreditation

03 September 2021

​Jersey Library has been awarded the Accès Accreditation for demonstrating to employees and customers that accessibility for the disabled community is taken seriously.

The accreditation has been awarded by Liberate Jersey, who audits buildings around the Island ensuring they meet requirements laid out in the Island's Discrimination Law.

Each audit includes a report containing recommendations to improve access for people with disabilities.

The Library will be given use of the Accès badge which will let Islanders know they are in a place of inclusion.

Chief Librarian, Ed Jewell, said: "This is fantastic news and we are extremely proud to be among the first places in Jersey to be awarded the Accès Accreditation.

"We are committed to ensuring Islanders with disabilities have access to the Library and are made to feel welcome."

Minister for Children and Education, Deputy Scott Wickenden, said: "This excellent news means that all Islanders will be able to use our Library services which are accessible to everybody. Our Library is a fantastic service and I continue to encourage Islanders, young and old, to visit."


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