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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government of Jersey holds constructive meeting with French fishermen

06 May 2021

Representatives from the Government of Jersey have met French fishermen and listened to the concerns that led to today's protest.

The 90-minute meeting was between the Assistant Minister for the Environment, Deputy Gregory Guida, Government of Jersey officers, and representatives from the estimated 56 French vessels which arrived in Jersey this morning.

In order to comply with Jersey's Covid guidelines, the Government representatives used the Norman Le Brocq Fisheries boat, while the French fishermen were onboard another vessel.

Jersey's Chief Minister, Senator John Le FondrƩ said: "The French fishermen protested peacefully and respectfully, and were able to set out their concerns directly to Government representatives.

"We recognise that there have been challenges in the implementation of the new trade agreement. Speaking directly to the fishermen has enabled both parties to better understand how those challenges will be addressed, and we are proposing the establishment of a forum which will enable the Government of Jersey to continue to engage with all fishermen in the region openly and constructively.


"I'd like to thank Deputy Guida and all the other parties whose work has enabled the French fishermen to leave Jersey knowing that they had been listened to, and that a step has been taken towards resolving the issues that have arisen during the move to the new trade agreement."

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