31 August 2021

The Government of Jersey has published the Mid-Year Review 2021 (formerly known as the Government Plan 6-month progress review).
The Review looks back at the first six months of 2021; describing the achievements and delivery activities set out in the last two Government Plans, by Common Strategic Priority. Updates are also given on the rebalancing initiatives set out in the Government Plan 2021-24, as well as a mid-year financial position and forecast to the end of 2021.
Activities undertaken up to the end of June 2021 include:
- Continuing to support for businesses through a range of measures
- Rolling out the vaccination programme to those aged 16 and over and at-risk groups and launching walk-in sessions and rock up mobile clinics
- Allocating almost £30 million in fiscal stimulus funding to 47 projects
- Launching an Island-wide discussion on how Jersey should tackle climate change
- Funding up to 30 hours for nursery children, aged 3 to 4, through the Nursery Education Fund (NEF)
- Announcing plans to start introducing Independent Taxation from 2022
- Publishing the Inspiring Active Places strategy, which outlined new plans for the future of public sport and wellbeing facilities in the Island, and the Future Fort Regent plans
- After ten years of delay, we have unlocked the Office Strategy which is planned to save approximately £7m a year.
- Launching the Island Identity project, with Islanders being asked: "What does Jersey mean to you?"
Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: "The six months covered by this review note the significant progress of the Government and the Island through our Reconnection Roadmap, to a position where we are living with COVID-19 and managing it safely as part of our daily lives.
"I welcome the progress made by all Government departments demonstrated within the Mid-Year Review, and want to thank the officials working across Government for their continued commitment, dedication and persistence in meeting our priorities, set out in the Common Strategic Policy, alongside the effective management of the impacts of the pandemic.
"It also demonstrates the strong financial position we find ourselves in as we prepare the Government Plan 2022-25, with a £70 million increase on income expected over forecasts made in Autumn 2020 and the Social Security (Reserve) Fund and Strategic Reserve Fund having grown by £275.9 million in the past 6 months.
"In preparing that Plan, we will continue this Government's practice of taking long-term decisions for the good of all Islanders and future generations, as we have done in progressing Our Hospital and the new Government Headquarters, after 10 years of delay."
A full copy of the report is available online here.
In addition, the Government of Jersey is publishing Service Performance Measures for the first time in 2021. The data for quarters 1 and 2 are available on gov.je.